Crestra's Earring Overview
In the Ring of Scale, players may begin a new Tradeskill based Earring quest. The final reward for this when combined with a Raid based drop, produces an Earring about 1-2 tiers or so above the best Raid Earrings you can loot.
Quest Chain:
Here or Over There?
Details of the Sky
Weight of the Sky
Gorowyn Wares
Measure of the Dead
Journey Into Terror
Upon completing Journey Into Terror, you will then have to combine the final Earring with a Flawless Conflagrant Diamond in a Jewelry Making Table. This will create Crestra's Empowered Earring. NOTE- This combine CAN fail.
Pre Loot List:
Most or All of these drops are tradeable, so you can buy them in the Bazaar or from players. The Subcombine completion parts of the quests are also generally tradeable, so you can also buy those versions.
You can also pre-loot all drops, you will need at least 1 of each to get Collect updates during the quest. To get the update you can simply trade the item, turn it in to an NPC (updates on getting back), put it in a TS container and take it back out, and so on.
All or Most pieces are only in Ring of Scale, some things you can pre-buy or pre-make in PoK.
The following pieces will be put into sections of which quest they are related to, see the appropriate Quest for extra details on how to get the pieces if they require more specific detail.
The tool sub combines can be seen on their respective (when used) quests, you may be able to buy some in PoK
Ring of Scale Pieces:
Sea Salt Impregnated Chokidai Scale - Chokidai in The Overthere
Golem Mud - Golems in The Overthere
Scorpikus Venom - Scorpikus in The Overthere
Succulent Spines - Succulents in The Overthere
Aged Sebilisian Marble - Ground Spawn in The Overthere
Polished Sebilisian Marble - specific Sarnaks in The Overthere
Conflagrant Diamond - Rare drop from Trash mobs, more common from Named, guaranteed on Sarnak Named
Drake Wing Scale - Drakes in Skyfire Mountains
Ratman Fur Thread - Ratmen in Skyfire Mountains
Lava Wurm Bile - Wurms in Skyfire Mountains
Scorching Golem Mud - Magmites in Skyfire Mountains
Chokidai Crest Plate - Chokidai in Gorowyn
Basilisk Crest Spine - Basilisk in Gorowyn
Fereth Rhodium - Fereth in Gorowyn
Kar'Zok Blood - Kar'Zok in Gorowyn
Broiled Meat - a meat broiler in Gorowyn
Devourer Tail - Devourers in Howling Stones or Sathir's Tomb
Bone Dust Infused Goo - Skeletons in Howling Stones or Sathir's Tomb
Golem Empowerment Fragment - Golems in Howling Stones or Sathir's Tomb
Basilisk Petrification Stone - Basilisks in Veeshan's Peak
Drake Wingbone - Drakes in Veeshan's Peak
Raptor Crest - Raptors in Veeshan's Peak
Flawless Conflagrant Diamond - Raid Drop
Baking Spirits x3 - Bought from Chef Denrun in PoK at the small bank area
Ink of Tranquility - Bought from Maree Rasumus in PoK at the small bank area
Ink of the Nameless - Bought from Maree Rasumus in PoK at the small bank area
Tanning Chemicals - Bought from Tailor Kujen in PoK at the small bank area
High Quality Firing Sheet - Bought from Sculptor Radee in PoK at the small bank area
Cleaning Solution - Bought from Jeweler Nonny in PoK at the small bank area
Vial of Purified Mana x5
- To make Vial of Purified Mana Cast the Enchanter Spell: Purify Mana with the following items on you:
- Ruby - Bought from Jeweler Nonny in PoK at the small bank area
- Poison Vial - Bought from Toxicologist Huey in PoK at the small bank area
Gutting Knife - Bought from Merchant Wyn`las in Crescent Reach, they can be found in the first major room (also on find)
Sculpting Tools - Bought from Sculptor Radee in PoK at the small bank area
Whittling Blade - Bought from Fletcher Lenvale in PoK at the small bank area
Simple Sewing Needle - Bought from Tailor Kujen in PoK at the small bank area
Square Cut Tool - Bought from Jeweler Nonny in PoK at the small bank area
Round Cut Tool - Can flip between the Cut Tools by combining them by themselves in a Jewelry Making Table
Skinning Knife
- To make Skinning Knife (Blacksmithing: Yield 1, Trivial 41), Combine in a Forge:
- Water Flask - Bought from Blacksmith Gerta in PoK at the small bank area
- Hilt Mold - Bought from Blacksmith Gerta in PoK at the small bank area
- Small Brick of Ore - Bought from Blacksmith Gerta in PoK at the small bank area
- Dagger Blade Mold - Bought from Blacksmith Gerta in PoK at the small bank area
Jewelers Glass
- To make Jewelers Glass (Jewelry Making: Yield 1, Trivial 20), Combine in a Jewelry Making Table:
- Jewelers Glass Cup
- Jewelers Glass Lens
- Jewelers Glass Cup
Re: Crestra's Earring Overview By: Greym Greymantle On: April 19, 2018, 11:38:37 AM
As of the 18 April patch, all of the T/S combines for this now require a min skill of 300, other than fishing.
Re: Crestra's Earring Overview By: Metanis On: January 23, 2018, 04:39:07 PM
Today I'm reading on the DBG Veteran's boards that collection pieces can still be traded but it must be the zone in which it was intended for you to loot that piece. There was some sort of change to back-end code at DBG that made this change in behavior.
Re: Crestra's Earring Overview By: Metanis On: January 22, 2018, 10:49:49 AM
As of the 1/17/18 patch you can no longer pre-loot the "collection" updates. Yes, you can pre-loot for the actual tradeskilling but you won't get credit for the collect unless you actually take the item off the killed mob. No more handing in the pieces to Cresta to get your collect updates.
Re: Crestra's Earring Overview By: Denial Sinfae On: December 19, 2017, 04:02:47 PM
Update part 2:
"And the fail chance on the earring is higher than I mentioned. I realized I missed a bit of math when speaking with you. But it is still relatively low. And still intentional "
Re: Crestra's Earring Overview By: Denial Sinfae On: December 19, 2017, 02:30:37 PM
Update from Ngreth:
"Yes. The Crestra's Empowered Elegant Earring combine is intentionally failable. And if you Fail you get the Crestra's Elegant Earring back. The failure chance is LOW if you have a 300 skill but non-zero. (Around 3% (not exact) fail chance at 300 skill)
Other Raid FINAL combines are no fail.
Other raid SUB combines are not no-fail AND high skill. They also sometimes return the diamond. Sometimes they only return the crushed diamond dust, but this is on the "alt fail" which is when you miss the fail the combine but only by 5."
Re: Crestra's Earring Overview By: Riou On: December 19, 2017, 02:24:41 AM
Quote from: Denial Sinfae on December 19, 2017, 02:21:44 AM
Might want to add at the top where it mentions the final combine to empower it that the final combine CAN BE FAILED. I've requested clarification if this was intended or not, as all empowered combines in EOK were no fail.
Added note after, thanks
Re: Crestra's Earring Overview By: Denial Sinfae On: December 19, 2017, 02:21:44 AM
Might want to add at the top where it mentions the final combine to empower it that the final combine CAN BE FAILED. I've requested clarification if this was intended or not, as all empowered combines in EOK were no fail.
Crestra's Earring Overview By: Riou On: December 09, 2017, 09:26:32 PM
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